FÉRIQUE Fund Management

Supporting responsible investment

Help create a better future without jeopardizing the returns on your investments.

Our approach to responsible investment

A responsible investment approach focused on the long term that underpins the entire line of FÉRIQUE Funds and Portfolios.*

*The FÉRIQUE Funds use a responsible investment approach, as described in the simplified prospectus. FÉRIQUE Fund Management offers two Funds that explicitly consider ESG factors into their investment objectives: the FÉRIQUE Global Sustainable Development Equity and the FÉRIQUE Global Sustainable Development Bond Funds. The responsible investment approach is one of several investment strategies used to help the other FÉRIQUE Funds achieve their objectives, its impact is therefore limited. ESG criteria and engagement with companies are not components of the Funds’ investment objectives and, consequently, are not part of the Funds’ core strategy.



Gives shareholders a say to have a positive influence on companies in which they invest. Transparency, accountability and long-term profitability are the three principles guiding our policy.


A partnership with Æquo Shareholder Engagement Services allows us to establish a dialogue with companies held in the portfolio to move them to improve their ESG framework.

In addition, we set engagement targets with Fund managers and collaborate with other stakeholders on an ad hoc basis.


By selecting and monitoring managers and sub-managers who integrate ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) factors into their investment analysis and decision-making process.

A lasting commitment

FÉRIQUE Fund Management was among the first financial corporations in Québec to address the issue of responsible investment.



FÉRIQUE Funds adopt a proxy voting policy focused on ESG best practices.


FÉRIQUE Fund Management joins the United Nations’ Principles for Responsible Investment.


In 2016, FÉRIQUE Fund Management implemented its Responsible Investment Policy.

The Policyaims to define a clear and flexible framework allowing it to integrate considerations related to responsible investment into its fund management, while taking into account the asset classes in which it invests.


FÉRIQUE Fund Management signs on to the Declaration on Financial Risks Related to Climate Change.


FÉRIQUE Fund Management signs on to the Climate Action 100+ initiative and joins the Responsible Investment Association (RIA) as an associate member. Comprised of over 300 institutional investors and individual investment professionals, the RIA is the Canadian association dedicated to promote responsible investment within the industry.

Through a variety of strategies, these funds contribute to the effort to fight climate change, and also aim to make a positive contribution to society through their sustainable development approach.

Vision for a sustainable future

In 2021, FÉRIQUE Fund Management launched two funds on the theme of sustainable development to complete its range.

These products diversify return opportunities by paving the way for new investment opportunities. They also make it possible to manage certain emerging risks such as those related to the energy transition. Through their assets, they help address society’s greatest challenges.

Two funds focused on sustainable development



Created in 2021, the Fund seeks to provide income and, to a lesser extent, long-term capital appreciation. It invests, directly or indirectly (including through investments in ETFs or other mutual funds), in a globally diversified portfolio, composed mainly of fixed income securities of governments and corporations that are used to finance projects or businesses that aim to align with sustainable development principles. The Fund follows a responsible investment approach focused on sustainable development.


Created in 2021, the Fund seeks to maximize long-term return through capital appreciation. It invests, directly or indirectly (including through investments in ETFs or other mutual funds), in a globally diversified portfolio, composed mainly of equity securities of both developed and emerging market issuers, which aim to align with the principles of sustainable development through their products, services or actions. The Fund follows a responsible investment approach focused on sustainable development.

Acting on our commitment

In addition to the Funds that incorporate ESG (environmental, social, and governance) criteria into their investment strategy to a limited extent, FÉRIQUE Fund Management offers two Funds that explicitly consider ESG factors in their investment objectives.

Policies and reports

Here are our responsible investment and proxy voting policies, as well as our proxy voting records. Please contact us if you wish to consult an older report.

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