FÉRIQUE Fund Management
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Change of leadership at FÉRIQUE Fund Management

Mr. Louis Lizotte now President and Chief Executive Officer of FÉRIQUE Fund Management


Mr. Louis Lizotte now President and Chief Executive Officer of FÉRIQUE Fund Management

Since July 3rd, the large FÉRIQUE* team is led by Mr. Louis Lizotte. This is an important step for the organization, which was run by Ms. Fabienne Lacoste for more than 18 years.

“I am incredibly honored to succeed Fabienne, whom I thank for her remarkable contribution to FÉRIQUE Fund Management, but also to my personal development as a mentor. Thanks to Fabienne's leadership, FÉRIQUE is solid and ready to meet the challenges to come. I am also very happy to start this new chapter and am ready to jump in the adventure by maintaining the momentum while continuing to develop this unique firm, with a super competent team of people who shares the same values", mentions Mr. Lizotte.

Mr. Lizotte, who started at FÉRIQUE 13 years ago, also declares that joining the team and participating in the organization’s evolution in recent years, is a source of great pride for him.

He points out, “FÉRIQUE stands out as an NPO in the finance world. It is a human size company with a unique mission which is to accelerate the financial autonomy of engineers, engineering students and graduates, and their families. We are also experts in making everything that affects our customers efficient and user-friendly”.

The FÉRIQUE Fund Management and FÉRIQUE Investment Services team enthusiastically welcomes this change and is ready to continue this great adventure with him.

Reading in progress:Change of leadership at FÉRIQUE Fund Management


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