FÉRIQUE Fund Management
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FÉRIQUE Asian Equity Fund wins a Lipper Award

FERIQUE Fund Management is pleased to announce that it won an award at the Lipper Fund Awards from Refinitiv 2019*, that was held in Toronto on November 14. These awards are given to funds that offer superior risk-adjusted performance and the greatest stability over set periods ending July 31, 2019.


This year, the winning fund was the FERIQUE Asian Equity Fund, recognized as the best fund for the ten-year period in Canada in the Asia Pacific Equity Fund category, on a total of 11 Funds.

FÉRIQUE Fund Management offers its investors Funds that aim to produce consistent returns over the long term with a reasonable level of risk. This award presented to the Asian Equity Fund demonstrates the achievement of this objective for the period observed. 

About the Lipper Fund Awards from Refinitiv

For more than 30 years and in over 20 countries worldwide, the highly-respected Lipper Fund Awards from Refinitiv have honored funds and fund management firms that have excelled in providing consistently strong risk-adjusted performance relative to their peers and focuses the investment world on top-funds. The merit of the winners is based on entirely quantitative criteria.


The Lipper Fund Awards are based on the Lipper Leader for Consistent Return rating, which is a risk-adjusted performance measure calculated over 36, 60 and 120 months.

The highest 20% of funds in each classification are named Lipper Leaders for Consistent Return and receive a raiting of 5; the next 20% receive a rating of 4; the middle 20% are rated 3; the next 20% are rated 2, and the lowest 20% are rated 1. The fund with the highest Lipper Leader for Consistent Return (Effective Return) value in each eligible classification wins the Lipper Fund Award. The ratings are subject to change every month. For more information, see lipperfundawards.com. Although Lipper makes reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained herein, the accuracy is not guaranteed by Lipper. 

The Fund performance for the period ending July 31, 2019 is as follow: 7.3% (3 years), 7.2% (5 years) and 7.7% (10 years). The corresponding Lipper Leader ratings of the fund for the same period are as follows: 3 (3 years), 3 (5 years), 5 (10 years).

Reading in progress:FÉRIQUE Asian Equity Fund wins a Lipper Award


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